Friday, March 23, 2012

Little All-Star

Grady loves to play sports...which makes me one happy momma! He has only been able to play baseball so Dan and I were super excited to hear that Grady was old enough to play basketball this year.  The only was in Branson.  We were so excited that the drive every Friday night to Branson didn't stop us!!

Of course I made Dan coach this team also. Dan had to go to Branson and actually draft his team.  Craig was helping Dan so we knew we got Hayden.  Dan said his only strategy was shirt size.  He was picking kids based on who had the bigger shirt.  :) As Dan was flipping through the cards he happened to see Kylee's name and grabbed her up fast!  So to our surprise we ended up getting someone we knew on our team. This made it even more fun!

Garon was NOT on the team, although he really thought he was.  It was very hard to keep him off the court.  It took a lot of crackers and M&M's. 

 Grady was really good at basketball.  He made a lot of shots during the season.  He would only pass the ball to Hayden and we tried to talk to him about this.  His response was, "I only pass the ball to people who pass the ball to me!"  (sounds like something I would have said)

 Grady and Kylee
 The big team.  We had a lot of cute girls on our team. 
 Even Garon got to dunk it!
 Dan is a really good coach and did a good job having a lot of patience with these kids.  The kids loved him.  They would run up and hug him when he arrived.  One even cried because she wanted to talk to him on the phone.  And on our last night as we were leaving a little girl chased us down crying.  She was said because she wouldn't get to see her coach again.  :(  Dan hugged her and sad she could call him anytime.  So sweet!!

Dan ordered the whole team trophies for their final game.  The kids thought this was so cool.  They were so proud!

And we were super proud of our big All-Star!

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