Sunday, February 27, 2011

Off to Grandma's

Today in children's church I spoke to the 3-5 year olds about how Jesus wants us to help others.  Well it might sound silly but I certainly feel like my in-laws helped me this weekend overcome a big fear.  You see, I don't like leaving my children!  I know breaks are wonderful, but I worry about my boys.  Why?  I don't know. 
But I did it this weekend...big step...Dan was very proud, and Grandma and Papa were blessed with two great visitors!  Not just one night...but two!  I know, now I sound horrible right?  :) But the best part is I don't even think they noticed I was gone. 

This weekend started out great and ended even better.  Before the weekend we took a stroll down at the park.  Grady got to ride his bike and was super excited.  Although after we finished, he told his dad next time he wanted to go somewhere else because he needed to rest more.  Guess the mile was too long for him.  Garon was just happy to be outside!


Then my husband brought me these wonderful roses. 

On Friday, Grandma came and picked up the boys.  I was so sad.  Daniel and I planned a big shopping trip in Fayetteville and Rogers.  We thought it would be fun to spend the night and shop all day on Saturday.  Plans always sound good while you're making them, definitely harder to implement.  Since Dan was working I had to be a big girl and actually put my boys in the car.  Sorry Grandma for the long two hour delay- but as always thanks for being supportive and understanding! As they were strapped in and ready to go "it happened."  Garon smiled the biggest smile ever at me through the window.  Jumping in the backseat crossed my mind for a split second.  Then Grady with his sweet voice says, "Mom, shut the door!"
I knew deep down he was really upset inside!!  HA!

Dan and I headed out to Fayetteville and spent the remainder of the night shopping.  It was weird.  We actually got to have a conversation and eat in peace.  We spent the night at the Hampton Inn and woke up bright and early for round two.  If you are wondering how my day went from there...well...just look at the next picture.  Let's just say Mom quickly realized she could have fun!! 

The boys are now back at home with us and it feels like we were never gone.  Dan and I enjoyed our outting and the boys had a blast. So again, thanks Grandma and Papa for HELPING me realize I can leave them and I know that they are just as loved by you all as they would be with us!  We love you!

To say thanks to Dad for all the new clothes, we made him a special strawberry pie.  One of daddy's favorites.  I had to let Garon play in the cool whip just like I let Grady a while back ago.  Of course, Grady had to wait a lot longer for such yummy treats!  When I was downloading these pictures, I found Grady's cool whip pictures, so I thought it would be fun to post them both.  One thing discovered: they both LOVE cool whip!


Garon enjoying every bite

Grady was digging in

 Garon could not and would not put the spoon down after that.  We went outside with it and bathed with it.  I finally won it back in exchange for a bottle 2 hours later. 

We went outside to play some baseball, golf, and hopscotch.  Don't laugh, I was really trying to participate. 

We moved on to bath time and I couldn't resist giving Garon a mohawk!  I think his hair grew while we were gone! 


Garon doing his favorite thing...taking all the movies out and throwing them on the floor! 

 Garon is now fast asleep, Grady is going 90 to nothing, and I hear Daniel getting into his strawberry pie.  Doesn't take long to get back in routine around here!  I better hurry so I can get a slice!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Big 10 Months

Yesterday was a happy 10 months to my precious Garon B.  I am definitely tired of the snow, but I can't pretend that I didn't enjoy spending the day with ALL of my boys. That's right, even Daniel got to stay home with us.  We have 8 inches of snow in our backyard.  Poor Baxter refuses to even place his paw in it. I don't quite blame him!

We tried to make the day special for our boys, however, I am quickly running out of ideas for snow days!  Grady started off with the wii and tried to perfect his balance.  We made huge gains today...he did not scream or cry when he lost. 

Apparently this was not enough excitement to keep Garon entertained.  He decided to take a nap on his daddy's lap.

Garon was rejuvenated by 2:00 and was ready to play.  I figured this would be a good time to snap a few pictures of all those facial expressions we treasure so dearly. 


What Sweet Feet!

Grady bought Garon a Peek-A-Boo book for Christmas.  Grady knows all the words to the book and really likes reading it to Garon.  He kept his attention for about 4 seconds, and then as you can tell from the pictures, he wasn't really listening.  Grady never got mad he just kept on reading.  It truly melts my heart anytime they share a moment like this. 

 This was by far the funniest moment of the day.  Daddy really wanted his picture made with Little G. Garon wanted no part in this.  His face was priceless.  So of course, daddy felt it was his turn to act like you did.  These are the times that I am so glad I'm camera crazy!!
What handsome boys I have!!  I love you all so much!

Daddy braved the cold and snowy roads to get a few more items for our refrigerator.  As much as I didn't want him on the roads I was very grateful he did it.  While daddy was gone Grady shared his Buzz table and crayons with Garon.  Wait, let me rephrase that, one crayon.  But it was a start.  We tried to teach him to color but he was a typical baby and only wanted to eat the crayon.  Oh well...I thought it was pretty precious just seeing my little boy sitting at the table. 

 Finally, we decided to move on to puzzles and dancing.  Grady was playing his air guitar to Aerosmiths "I was crying when I met you..." and he was really rocking it.  I was chosen to be the drummer.  We have no pics of that! :-)  Somebody stole my camera and snapped pictures of Spongebob Squarepants!

Bedtime came too fast! Last night you came and snuggled with me until we went to bed.  We played this game where you would say attt, and then I would say attt.  You thought it was so funny.  You would get so excited and start jumping up and down and even slap at my mouth.

And to my precious Garon B.  It is hard to believe that you are already 10 months old.  I am finding myself planning for your big birthday party that is right around the corner.  At our last doctor visit we were told that we should start feeding you table food.  WHOA did that scare me!  I am the type of mother who "strictly" follows the books.  You love every type of baby food so far, especially peas, vegetables with turkey, and the infamous hawaiian delight.  We have given you mashed potatoes, real bananas, rolls, and ice cream- that is as far as I have went with the "table food" business.  I am too terrified, and you should see how tiny I break those bites up.  You have one tooth on the bottom that has come in.  I am starting to see the one beside it but it has yet to pop up.  We are expecting it to any day now with the amount of drool that you are losing.

You say ma ma, da da, bye bye, and all sorts of other babbles.  You say ma ma all the time and I just love it.  We just taught you how to say bye bye and you even started waving.  Yes, sometimes you still accidentally wave at yourself!!  You crawl around everywhere and try to stand on anything.  You definitely wear us out chasing after you.  You love to stand up on your push toy.  Grady will help you roll the wheels and you will just walk right with it.  You love anything that is bubby's and that isn't a toy.  Such as: remotes, cell phones, and plastic bottles. 

You are the best baby ever and I'm not just saying that.  You sleep 12 hour nights and always have since 2 weeks old. You like it when mama rocks you to sleep, but it doesn't matter either way. You will get on your tummy, grab the sheet, and suck your thumb until you fall asleeep. 

You laugh so hard at your brother, during peek a boo, and when you are tickled.  You love bottles, drinking out of a glass, the itsy bitsy spider, and definitely your brother. You love the jump-a-roo.  I will say jump jump jump and you will take off.  We have lots of video of that. The only thing that I have found you dislike is having your diaper changed and your little piggies touched.

Your personality is laid back and just happy go lucky.  You have been such a wonderful blessing to our family.  We love you so much Garon.  I hope you feel that through all the hugs and kisses that we give you daily!